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Why Successful Business Owners Always Use a Coach

Hiring a business coach may be the best investment in your business that you will ever make.

Why? …. You may ask yourself.

“A coach is someone who tells you what you don't want to hear, who has you see what you don't want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be”.

— Tom Landry

When running a business, you will know that sometimes it can be a lonely place. Some things just cannot be discussed with staff members or friends and family. A coach is able to provide a sounding board for you to listen to your challenges, and bounce ideas around with you and sometimes even help you come up with creative solutions to your problems.

If you are serious about growing your business a coach is there to help you do just that. An experienced coach will show you proven techniques and processes to help you take the right steps to further develop and grow your business.

A normal day in the life of a business owners means that you are constantly juggling many different things. Sometimes it can become too much and you can lose focus along the way. This is where a coach can really add value and ensure that you keep your focus, they will point out those things that are most important that you need to prioritise along the way to achieve those all-Important goals.


A business coach should be an expert in what they do, during discussions with them you will have valuable insights, giving you a greater perspective on your business and the direction that it is heading. They will always work out where you are right now and discuss with your where you need to get to. So, it’s all about the journey and they guide you along that journey, identifying resources that you may require on the way. The are your mentor, your motivator and your mirror image, revealing blind spots that you may otherwise may not see. They should hold you accountable for your decisions and actions so you can operate to your best potential.

One of the most valuable resource that a business owner has is time, therefore, it is important that your time is used carefully. A lack or waste of time can lead to stress and burn-out. A great coach will teach you how to use your time more effectively, and guide you to sense when to step back and take some time out for creativity and important thinking, when to delegate certain tasks to colleagues and what tasks can be focused on to provide better results and returns on time investment.

Its also important to maximise your strengths and identify your weakness. A coach will guide you towards better personal growth; this is important for any successful business owner should continuously learn and develop over time to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Building a great team in your business is critical, but managing a team is one of the hardest things you will do. People are individuals and you have to be aware of their different personalities, utilise their strengths and work with them on their weaknesses. As your business grows you cannot do all the work, or be an expert in every type of task. Knowing when to delegate or outsource and when to do the tasks yourself, is critical. Having good leadership skills is essential, a coach can guide you through the type of skills you will need to best motivate, inspire, and evolve so you effectively coach your own team.


Working with a coach today will add value to your world in the future. 

blog post
27 Oct, 2021
It’s been around since the 1970’s, defined as “Dreamers who Do” by Gifford Pinchot III “Intrapreneurship is defined as a system and a process which allows its employees to develop their entrepreneurial skill & mindset and act like an entrepreneur by working within the company”. An Intrapreneur is a self-motivated visionary leader who can deliver a creative and innovative advanced solutions to problems within a short timeline. Intrapreneurs are risk takers, they don’t worry about failing because they know that if the first creative solution fails, they will create another and another until it does work. They take calculated risks and are self-motivated’ they are persistent in achieving their goals and never give up. They have a passion to make a difference in everything they do and will always light up a room with their positive outlook. Many of the big businesses encourage this type of behaviour within their organisations. An example large corporation such as “Google” allows time for employees to work on their own creative projects. Gmail was the result of one of these projects. Shutterstock hosts an annual “hack-a-thon whereby their employees have 24 hours to pursue their ideas for the betterment of the company. These ideas are then presented to the rest of the company. Oculus was born from this which allows people to search through Shutterstock images, using only colours of your choice. Facebook, another big corporation, uses this kind of creative thinking with its employees under the 20% of time worked theory, to continuously develop and change with creative ideas. This provides the company with a competitive advantage and at the same time engages its employees in an inspiration way as they feel values as a result of their creative input. A great leader would allow the time to encourage this behaviour within their teams. Think of Steve Jobs that’s exactly want he did. So as an entrepreneur of your business, why not encourage Intrapreneurship within your team, provide time and resources to experiment to just see what happens when you allow your employees to brainstorm and collaborate in a creative way. You might just be surprised, you also don’t have to be a big corporation to introduce this way of working and thinking, even a new business start-up can benefit! If the company supports Intrapreneurship, then the creative innovative employees will be retained; this pays off many times in innovation, growth and talent retention, therefore the company thrives, gaining a competitive advantage. “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” - Napoleon Hill
blog post
09 Aug, 2021
From my very early days in business a mentor of mine talked to be about critical business foundations. The first time I heard the words “Foundations in Business” I wondered what this had to do with running a business, surely this was more to do with building houses. So, what do business foundations look like for a business? The obvious answer would be available cash or funding. Having a cash surplus by which the business can operate not the most important foundation. Foundations are the support structure on which any business stands. Read on to discover the support structures that you should incorporate into your business every day, and, on which to focus to build a successful business. Core Values by which the business operates – Core values represent the culture of the business which in most cases originates from it founder. So as founders you have a responsibility to understand the business value. How do you identify and measure value?  It’s a broad framework which includes the purpose of the business, vision and strategy that allows the business to meet the long-term needs of its customers and other stakeholders and the world as a whole, on an ongoing long-term basis.
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